Friday, March 27, 2009

It was an interesting morning

Me with Jason Mewes (Jay from Jay and Silent Bob)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Here's to 2009

I'm laying in bed sick, feeling like my head might explode at any given moment which would provide a much needed release of pressure. So what's a good way to pass the time when waiting for your head to blow up?....Write a blog!

It's a new year (and what a way to start it out huh) in case you hadn't noticed. I'm hoping 2009 is 100% better than 2008....I mean even the bad things that have happened thus far don't compare. Here's a little recap of my previous year...both good and bad.

Bad things in 08':
-Starting it out at a job I absolutely positively hate
-Having graduated but not having had a ceremony
-a TON of people I know getting hitched (not really bad...just kinda makes me sad to realize I'm really growing up)
-Seeing my uncle go through so much pain before passing and seeing how it effected my parents & grandma
-My uncle actually passing
-Realizing just how selfish and self-centered some people really are and to what extent they'll go to just to get something for themselves
-Our apartment burning down and thinking we'd lost EVERYTHING
-Living with my parents for going on 4 months (hey it's a place to live...just saying it's not too fun when you're 24)

Good things in 08':
-Getting a job with a company that I absolutely LOVE and hope I never have to leave
-Recieving my diploma and actually having a graduation (even if it was 5 months after the fact...stupid IUPUI)
-Knowing that my uncle is finally not in pain
-Not actually losing ALL of our stuff from the apartment...we recovered all of the important things
-Buying my own house....(still under construction but soon to be finished)
-Having a place to stay after the fire and while the house is under construction
-My dad doing all of our construction for free!

In retrospect a lot of stuff has happened and although the bad things were really bad, they could have been worse. Plus the good stuff really was great. Soon we'll be in a house of our own, I'll be working at a place I love (even if I'm not in love with the job itself) and I'll have more time to enjoy life (and get a puppy).

Plus, I've started out the new year spending about $1100 in a matter of about 2 hours (dishwasher, couch, loveseat) and spending money is always fun....unless it's on bills. So here's to 2009!!!